Ana Gonzalez Rojas


Author name: anaartista2022


Trees, flowers, bees, grass, rivers, mountains, clouds, stones… Nature is a great metaphor. A landscape is a projection of human feelings, a cultural construction that can be decoded as a textual system in which its objects, such as plants, animals, insects, minerals and water, are interpreted as symbols or allegories. See more Por: Mariangela Méndez …

Mutuum. Leer más »


In this project, the artist works closely with displaced communities from Chocó who have been living in Bogotá for several years. It compiles many stories from people who have experienced the violence of drug trafficking and have now become invisible in the city, like ghosts. Liberi proposes an exploration by the viewer where he or …

Liberi. Leer más »


A collaborative audiovisual work with composer Miguel Carrillo Samper, “Mutatio” is the central axis for a series of works by the same name. In Latin, mutatio means change, transformation, mutation, and it refers to the transition from chaos to seed to life, the nearly biological mutation that begins with chaos or chance to open up …

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When nature is perceived as a network, its vulnerability becomes apparent. Everything holds together. If one thread is pulled, the entire tapestry can unravel […]. Andrea Wulf, The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World Tropicality is a geographical and cultural notion distant from European geographical and material conditions. Between the 16th and 19th …

TROPICOS Leer más »


In this series, Ana González evokes the stories told by a nine-year-old girl, the daughter of a family displaced by violence in Juradó, Colombia. The work highlights the tension between the innocence of childhood and awakening to a reality altered by the ravages of war and forced disappearances. See More alicia-ana-gonzalez-1 alicia-ana-gonzalez-2 alicia-ana-gonzalez-5 alicia-ana-gonzalez-6 alicia-ana-gonzalez-7 …

ALICIA. Leer más »


The project “Bordados y Desbordados” (Embroidered and Overboard) is part of a series of works done on forcibly displaced women who have immigrated to the city. The idea is to embroider fine fabrics, cloths and silks from “exclusive” designers with popular, working-class motifs that are part of the collective memory of embroidery. See more The …

Embroideries Leer más »

Of Sugar

On the other hand, I eagerly took advantage of that privilege of childhood which allows beauty, luxury, and happiness to be things that can be eaten: in the rue Vavin I would stand transfixed before the windows of confectioners’ shops, fascinated by the luminous sparkle of candied fruits, the cloudy lustre of jellies, the kaleidoscopic …

Of Sugar Leer más »

OA…without moving

Ana González belongs to a generation of enterprising artists who cultivate their trade within the narrow thresholds of aesthetics. Her career, nourished by a very important professional experience, is poised between architecture, photography, publishing and painting. See more Pelota de letras pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-1 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-2 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-3 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-5 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-7 Back


In the beginning, nothing existed; there was no Earth, no Sun, no Moon. Everything was darkness, everything was water. Water was the mother creator. And when Mother Se created the world, she saw the need for a person of flesh and bone, someone to watch over the land. This is why Mother Se created us, …

Plumae. Leer más »