Ana Gonzalez Rojas



Sean Kelly, New York is delighted to present Bruma, Ana González’s first solo exhibition in New York. The paintings and tapestries on view in Bruma depict the flora and fauna of González’s native Colombia and represent the ecosystems under threat from industries seeking to exploit them for their natural resources. González’s practice opposes the disappearance of these habitats, not only warning us of what will be lost in their destruction but proposing new ways to relate to the natural world. Bruma engages with the vast ecological and human history of these landscapes encouraging the viewer to see our environment in a new way. There will be an opening from 6 to 8 pm. The artist will be present.

The works on view in Bruma were developed in response to González’s travels through the cloud forests of Colombia, an isolated region in the Andes Mountains which is both incredibly biodiverse – only an estimated ten percent of its species have been cataloged – and endangered by deforestation and climate change.