Ana Gonzalez Rojas




Amazon Conservation Team Artist Ana Gonzalez, Cartier and the Amazon Conservation Team have undertaken a collaborative health and social project to strengthen indigenous communities in the Colombian Amazon. Gonzalez draws extensive inspiration from this region in her creative practice and has been driven to give back to the community in a positive manner. See more …

Cartier. Leer más »


They say the world is changing… but they are not. They are still there, just as they were hundreds or even thousands of years ago. They observe us, undisturbed, perhaps with curiosity, although their gaze is really more of empathy and compassion. And we are there, in awe of a people who come from an …

Maloka Leer más »


An homage to the Misak culture of the Cauca Department in Colombia, “These drawings evoke the indigenous thought of the Misak, children of the downpour, children of water. In my conversations with them I have understood that they are the protectors of the paramos, of water, and they look after the mountain and the high-altitude …

Misak Leer más »

Art for BOGOTÁ

A collaborative show with artist Luis Fernando Roldán. The project used a game of chance to decide, chaotically but according to certain rules or guidelines, where to plant a tree for each victim of violence in Bogotá in 1997. There were 7,800 victims that year, and 7,800 trees to be planted in Bogotá, according to …

Art for BOGOTÁ Leer más »

Health Battalion

In this project, the artist worked with a group of six soldiers wounded in combat by anti-personnel mines and explosives. She held workshops for “memory and reconstruction” in the “Batallón de sanidad” (Health Battalion) and afterwards developed a work based on the images and experiences that the soldiers, now blinded by anti-personnel mines, found they …

Health Battalion Leer más »