Ana Gonzalez Rojas


Mes: enero 2025


Amazon Conservation Team HEATH CARE CENTERUNIDAD DE ATENCION EN SALUD COMUNITARIA (UASC) DE UMANCIA Artist Ana Gonzalez, Cartier and the Amazon Conservation Team have undertaken a collaborative health and social project to strengthen indigenous communities in the Colombian Amazon. Gonzalez draws extensive inspiration from this region in her creative practice and has been driven to …



Amazon Conservation Team Artist Ana Gonzalez, Cartier and the Amazon Conservation Team have undertaken a collaborative health and social project to strengthen indigenous communities in the Colombian Amazon. Gonzalez draws extensive inspiration from this region in her creative practice and has been driven to give back to the community in a positive manner. See more …

Cartier. Leer más »


Sean Kelly, Nueva YorkEnero 10 – Febrero 22, 2025Recepción de Inauguración: Jueves, Enero 9, 6-8pm Sean Kelly, New York se complace de presentar Bruma, la primera exhibición individual de Ana González en Nueva York. Las pinturas y tapices exhibidos en Bruma retratan la flora y fauna de Colombia, tierra natal de González y representan los …

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Sean Kelly, New YorkJanuary 10 – February 22, 2025Opening reception: Thursday, January 9, 6-8pm Sean Kelly, New York is delighted to present Bruma, Ana González’s first solo exhibition in New York. The paintings and tapestries on view in Bruma depict the flora and fauna of González’s native Colombia and represent the ecosystems under threat from …

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Sean Kelly, New York is delighted to present Bruma, Ana González’s first solo exhibition in New York. The paintings and tapestries on view in Bruma depict the flora and fauna of González’s native Colombia and represent the ecosystems under threat from industries seeking to exploit them for their natural resources. González’s practice opposes the disappearance …

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Sean Kelly, New York se complace de presentar Bruma, la primera exhibición individual de Ana González en Nueva York. Las pinturas y tapices exhibidos en Bruma retratan la flora y fauna de Colombia, tierra natal de González y representan los ecosistemas amenazados por industrias que buscan la explotación de recursos naturales. González en su práctica …

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