Ana Gonzalez Rojas




In this series, Ana González evokes the stories told by a nine-year-old girl, the daughter of a family displaced by violence in Juradó, Colombia. The work highlights the tension between the innocence of childhood and awakening to a reality altered by the ravages of war and forced disappearances. See More alicia-ana-gonzalez-1 alicia-ana-gonzalez-2 alicia-ana-gonzalez-5 alicia-ana-gonzalez-6 alicia-ana-gonzalez-7 …

ALICIA. Leer más »


The project “Bordados y Desbordados” (Embroidered and Overboard) is part of a series of works done on forcibly displaced women who have immigrated to the city. The idea is to embroider fine fabrics, cloths and silks from “exclusive” designers with popular, working-class motifs that are part of the collective memory of embroidery. See more The …

Embroideries Leer más »

Of Sugar

On the other hand, I eagerly took advantage of that privilege of childhood which allows beauty, luxury, and happiness to be things that can be eaten: in the rue Vavin I would stand transfixed before the windows of confectioners’ shops, fascinated by the luminous sparkle of candied fruits, the cloudy lustre of jellies, the kaleidoscopic …

Of Sugar Leer más »

OA…without moving

Ana González belongs to a generation of enterprising artists who cultivate their trade within the narrow thresholds of aesthetics. Her career, nourished by a very important professional experience, is poised between architecture, photography, publishing and painting. See more Pelota de letras pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-1 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-2 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-3 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-5 pelota-de-letras-ana-gonzalez-7 Back